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For the tides to change 

Learn how to activate your physical and mental abilities with kinesiology movement techniques.

Use the natural flexibility and strength of your body and mind to feel healthy, balanced and resilient even in difficult times.


Hi there, I'm Andrea !

As a certified Kinesiology therapist, I am here to allow you to be truly and genuinely seen and understood. My work focuses not only on the symptoms, but on the person as a whole. 


Life can get complicated sometimes. Things seem tedious and our everyday life feels difficult or painful. But you don’t have to go through it alone. I am here to offer you a safe and professional setting to look after yourself, your health and your well-being.

We don´t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to.

- Brene Brown

Kinesiology made simple.

What for

Kinesiology is a stress-reducing technique and is suitable for emotional, mental and physical health issues. 

The approach is a mixture of counseling and work on the body. We use the muscle tone of specific muscles as a reference point.


Using our body as an additional source of feedback is a gentle and mindful approach. Body signals show us where and why mental and physical stress is present. This also reveals ways to release this stress and strengthen your well-being. The result is a solution-oriented treatment tailored to your abilities and goals.

Kinesiological balancing techniques give you access to hidden (unconscious) possibilities. We look for sources of strength and power for you to consciously activate in your everyday life. You can already feel this energetic change in your body during the session - a motivating before-and-after experience!

Let's get moving !

Kinesiology is recognized by almost all health insurance companies and is financially supported having a supplementary insurance.

Kinesiology is also called the science of movement and as we all know: being on the move keeps you healthy!


078 301 00 48

Hirschmattstrasse 29

6003 Luzern

Bus station: Bundesplatz

Parking: Hirzenmatt oder Bahnhof

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